Four wooden spoons holding different supplement pills

Understanding Testosterone Supplements

4 Testosterone Supplement Options

Declining testosterone levels in men may occur for many reasons such as a change in eating habits, lack of exercise, poor sleep or even poor sleep habits. An age-related decline in hormones may lead to a variety of changes, like a change in libido, bone density and energy. Lifestyle changes, or a testosterone supplement combined with other changes may counter testosterone loss.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a sex hormone found in both men and women. However, the hormone is found in much higher amounts in males. In men, testosterone is responsible for regulating:

  • Sex drive.
  • Development of male sex characteristics.
  • Bone growth and durability.
  • Fat distribution.
  • Muscle mass.
  • Muscle strength.
  • Production of red blood cells.
  • Creation of sperm.

Although men produce testosterone all through their lives, levels of testosterone may fluctuate depending on their health and age.

Best Testosterone Supplements for Low Testosterone

Testosterone supplements, which are available over the counter, may help to reduce the effects of low testosterone. With so many testosterone supplements to choose from, however, it’s difficult to make the right decision. The following are four of the top-rated testosterone supplements that may help manage symptoms of low testosterone.

1. Shaklee

It can be difficult to get all the vital vitamins and nutrients with busy lives but Shaklee's supplements can help. They have formulated natural solutions that can aid men in supporting muscle function, prostate health, healthy energy levels and more. Check out some of their products:

  • Saw Palmetto Complex: A great supplement for supporting prostate health.
  • Vitalizer™ Men: Providing men with advanced nutrition. Clinically supported vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and more.
  • Vita-Lea® Men: A high-potency multivitamin and multimineral for boosting vitality, immunity, metabolism and muscle function.

2. Prime Male

Prime Male supplements claim that they can boost testosterone up to 42% within 12 days, and user reviews are typically positive. The product is designed for males over 30 and every ingredient is backed by research trials and scientific and medical journals.

Prime Male not only boosts testosterone, but also balances other hormones and proteins that may affect testosterone, like luteinizing hormone (LH), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and prolactin. This testosterone supplement typically costs $69 for a month’s supply.


  • 100% naturally made product.
  • Made in an FDA-approved facility.
  • Increases energy.


  • Slow to see results.
  • High price point.
  • Only available through their website.

3. Testo Prime

Another all-natural testosterone supplement, Testo Prime is one of the more popular boosters on the market. This product contains 12 supplements scientifically proven for their testosterone-enhancing effects and comes with glowing reviews. This testosterone supplement will cost around $59 for a month’s supply.


  • All-natural product.
  • Easy dosing requirements.
  • 100% money-back guarantee.


  • Mainly improves athletic performance, not libido or cognitive symptoms.
  • Takes longer than other supplements to see results.

4. Testo-Max

Like the previous products above, Testo-Max contains all-natural ingredients. Testo-Max claims that what sets them apart from other testosterone supplements is the proportions of the ingredients within their formula.

The combination of scientifically proven ingredients and research-backed formula proportions offers optimal results in the fastest amount of time. This testosterone supplement is more affordable than the rest, costing $39 for a month’s supply.

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  • All-natural product.
  • Easy dosing requirements.
  • Affordably priced.


  • Mainly improves athletic performance, not libido or cognitive symptoms.
  • Takes longer than other supplements to see results.

5. Hunter Test

As a result of testosterone’s ability to enhance muscle mass, many testosterone supplements have a heavy emphasis on weight-building. Hunter Test, however, focuses on the health benefits of their testosterone booster.

The Hunter Test formulation offers twice the number of capsules per month than other brands and targets the age-related effects of testosterone decline. This testosterone supplement is also the most expensive costing $80 for a month’s supply.


  • All-natural product.
  • Made in FDA and cGMP-certified facilities.
  • Free of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives with no GMO, gluten, or soy.


  • Relatively new to the market.
  • Takes longer than other supplements to see results.
  • High price point.

Alternatives to Testosterone Supplements

Men looking to boost their testosterone can also do so through lifestyle changes. Exercise, stress management and adequate sleep all contribute to maintaining adequate testosterone levels.

Foods that help boost testosterone are rich in vitamin D and zinc, like egg yolks, tuna, shellfish and oysters.

Keep in mind that testosterone levels work differently for everyone, therefore consulting a medical professional is always advised.

Why do Men Experience low Testosterone?

There are a variety of factors that may contribute to a testosterone deficiency:

  • As men age, the body produces less testosterone, with testosterone levels gradually dropping at a rate of 1% to 2% each year.
  • The body also increases its production of a protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which reduces the active form of testosterone.
  • At about age 45, about a third of men experience lower levels of testosterone.
  • Men can also experience low testosterone levels due to medical conditions or injuries. For example, men can see a drop in testosterone when there is a direct injury to the testes from physical injury, infection, or because of medical treatments like radiation therapy.
  • Reduced testosterone may also stem from autoimmune conditions or as a side effect of drugs.
  • Rare genetic diseases, like Klinefelter syndrome and hemochromatosis can also affect testosterone levels.

What Happens to the Body When Testosterone is Low?

Unlike how women experience a rapid fluctuation in hormone levels during menopause — causing a myriad of distinct symptoms — testosterone loss typically occurs slowly in men.

Men with low testosterone may experience the following symptoms:

  • Loss of muscle mass.
  • Less body and facial hair.
  • Low sex drive.
  • Hot flashes.
  • Impotence.
  • Increase in breast size.
  • Infertility or reduced sperm count.
  • Depression.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Irritability.
  • Brittle bones.
  • Increase in breast tissue.

Recognizing the signs of low testosterone may be tricky. These signs often occur gradually over time and men may attribute these changes to stress rather than testosterone loss.